Optomist vs. Optimal

Like Optimus Prime, we are passionate about helping our community transform their lives and achieve health and wellness! With that, we have a simple purpose in our offices. Our purpose is to help you reach your highest possible level of optimal health! Something...

Top 3 Conditions related to Coronavirus Deaths

As of May 7th, 2020, according to NYS.gov, 89.5% of the coronavirus deaths have 1 or more of 10 specific health problems that clearly affect their ability to overcome this virus and move on with their lives. The top 3 of these are very common in most American families...

Corona Virus Info

***Per the Hays County Ordinance Guidelines we are able to stay openand treat essential patients that would otherwise be going to otherdoctors because of their pain or issue. This is very unlike our normalvision to help people increase quality of life and stay...

Swine Flu

Swine FluVaccine makers to profit over $50 billion a year. (Glaxo Smith Kline) also developed a mask. Is it any wonder you are being bombarded with scary messages about swine flu?Glaxo smith Kline says “clinical trials will be limited due to the need to provide the...