Does Chronic Pain Mean Chronic Pills?

It’s easy to think that dealing with chronic pain means a lifetime of refilling prescriptions…. But here’s the real deal: masking pain with medication doesn’t address what’s causing it in the first place…. Your just putting a band aid on the problem.. The truth is,...

Another Year Another Pill

Here’s a myth worth busting: just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to start collecting prescriptions like birthday cards and AARP points.. Sure, a few extra candles might bring some new aches and pains, but that doesn’t mean you’re destined for a...

Motion Is Lotion

Ever heard the saying “motion is lotion” for the body??? It’s not just a catchy phrase—it’s the mantra of chiropractors and physical therapists worldwide!!! Why? Keeping active is a major way to give your body the TLC it craves and thrives on.. Think...

Looking Up or Going Down

Sitting all day can be a real pain in the neck—literally!!!The truth is that looking down at our phones and screens tends to put us in a, well, awkward posture—specifically, forward head posture… Sounds odd, feels worse…Have you ever been to a nursing home, take...

Don’t Be Such A Slouch

Feeling a bit blah??? Your posture might have something to do with it—yes, really!!! Studies have shown that people who sit and stand up straighter often not only feel more motivated and more confident, but more energetic too…Lets GOO you got this!!! Obviously, the...

You Are What You Eat

Ponder this.. Ideal nutrition is more than just eating the right foods; it’s about fueling your body for its best performance. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients supports your body’s various functions, from muscle repair to cognitive processes to...