The Dang Pain

Some say that the best approach to chronic pain is to grin, bear it, and keep on moving on. No pain no gain!!! But, take it from me, ignoring it won’t just test your endurance—it will only help make sure it sticks around longer.Science tells us that pain is only...

Is it my back or my hip?

Hip pain can actually mimic low back pain. In fact, when it comes to low back pain, deciphering whether it’s coming from your low back, hip, or a third player—the SI joint—can be a real puzzle—each is often mistaken for the other! In fact we see this quite often...

My Pain Migraine

Many people aren’t aware that there are non-pharmacological ways to effectively manage and or eliminate their migraine headaches. Just like tension/stress headaches, it is possible to lessen the frequency, intensity, and severity of your migraines naturally, if...

Chiropractic Can Enhance Athletes

Here are a few reasons why chiropractic can enhance an athlete’s performance: Pain management: Athletes often experience musculoskeletal pain or discomfort due to intense training, repetitive motions, or injuries. By reducing pain and improving mobility,...
- Curis Functional Health
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