We often get asked, “so what exactly IS chiropractic ?”. Well, there is no better answer than the one written by the man that founded chiropractic:
“The beauty of Chiropractic is that it works with natural means. It puts nothing into the body, nor does it take away any natural gland or organ. Chiropractic simply releases life forces within the body, sets free rivulets of energy over nerves, and lets nature do her work in a normal manner. Healing comes from ABOVE-DOWN & INSIDE-OUT.”
And like cockroaches, chiropractic as a profession has survived and evolved over a hundred years. The beginning of chiropractic was a bit of a challenge . Our founders in the early days were prosecuted for practicing chiropractic. The early chiropractors were bashed for a healing art, while pharmaceutical companies were praised.
Now, chiropractic is the largest, drugless profession in the world, and more than ever people are looking to get to the root cause of their health concerns!