We are weird here at Family First. We know it. In fact, we own it as one of our core values. Our work environment is different. We set our office up in an open environment to feel more like a coffee house than a doctor’s office. The point of that is to help create a sense of community. Nothing brings us more joy than our practice members interacting, and running into friends and family. We use some weird words, and we would love to hear you start using them as well! Spinal Subluxation Complex – Not many things excite me more than someone using the word “subluxation!” What is that? When you are subluxated, your have a spinal misalignment that is putting stress on your central nervous system (CNS-your brain, spinal cord, and nerves,) that can dramatically affect your body’s ability to adapt to your environment and heal.
Innate Intelligence – This is a very specific and unique chiropractic term that has been used by us Chiros now for well over a century. It is the basic idea that your body runs itself. You do not control most of the actions and activities that the 75 trillion cells inside of you are doing right now. Your innate intelligence does. That innate intelligence runs through your CNS, and its the reason why we focus so closely on keeping stress off of those nerves Adjustment – How we take stress off your CNS, allowing better cell to cell communication. Please do not use the word “manipulate” in our offices – I do not like to be manipulated and I doubt you do either!
Practice Member or “our peeps!” – We don’t care much for the word patient because it implies a “treatment/diagnosis” style of health care. We do not claim to treat anything, and that is an important distinction. What we do is remove stress to your CNS, through a series of adjustments, and we then objectively measure our ability to do so.
The point is that we are having a blast serving our community, and creating a culture that is just plain different. But we feel it is a cultural shift that can change the health care of our planet. We really think that passion and fun for our craft comes through in our offices. We recognize none of that is possible without you and your support.