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Did you know??

Muscle sprain/strain is the most common cause of low back pain. Arthritis, osteoporosis, and herniated discs can also lead to low back pain.

Low back pain is one of the most common reasons why people miss work and go to the doctor. Stress, inflammatory foods, and a lack of exercise can all contribute to low back pain not to mention a sedentary job.

The good news? An overwhelming majority of us can recover from low back pain with a little help from a chiropractor.

We focus on treating the whole person, not writing prescriptions or putting band aids on the problem. We’re here to help you identify the root cause of your pain, not mask it with drugs, potions or lotions.

If you’ve been living with low back pain or other health issues, know that we’re here to support you every step of the way to get you out of pain and give you recommendations to keep you out of pain.

Until next time, make time for your self-care. Because pain is only 10% of the nervous system and once you have pain it’s the last symptom to present itself thus takes longer to heal and get you OUT of PAIN!!!!