Health is simple, it’s just not easy”
Most information today regarding your health is centered around fear. There is a never ending stream of scary information about your health. We hear of diseases arising out of a bad set of genes your parents passed along to you, killer germs and viruses lurking, or horrible accidents and dangers waiting for us that make for sensational late night local news stories.
“Health is simple, it’s just not easy”
If you comb through all of the available medical and health journals and resources regarding health, it becomes pretty clear that bad health rarely comes from bad genes, bad germs, or bad luck.
Consider health this way. Today there is a field of forensic science that has been made popular in late night TV police dramas. Scientists can in fact tell us, in an incredibly precise way, how a body decomposes once a person has died. There is a specific science to how our organic body’s break down.
My point is this, the human body decomposes and breaks down in a systematic and predictable way based on the environment. Therefore, it should not be a stretch to understand that the human body also heals and repairs in a systematic and predictable way based on your environment.
Health is simple, but it takes attention and effort. It is a great testimony to how brilliantly our body’s are designed that we can punish them for decades before pain and disease actually become noticeable.
True health and healing takes time, and the reversal of all of the habits and environments that created the problem in the first place. But if you understand that most health problems are created by your choices, then you will understand that health is also create by your choices.