If you’re having chronic back pain and your doctor has recommended surgery, we’d like to recommend considering other options first. There are alternatives to a laminectomy, or decompression surgery, and we want to be sure that you know what options are available to you that do not require going under the knife! Spinal decompression therapy is a great alternative to back surgery.
We get it— acute low back pain caused by anything from muscle strains to lifting heavy items is debilitating. When dealing with this pain on a daily basis, it can be easy to give in and consider spine surgery, but what if we told you that you might be able to forgo the dangers of general anesthesia and such a drastic procedure? Would you be willing to explore other options?
Chronic back pain caused by a compressed spine can make your daily life difficult and unhappy, but there are many ways to relieve it. Traditional treatments such as surgery and medication are usually the first course of action for those who want to make the pain go away quickly, but these come with risks that often outweigh the benefits. Let’s explore how to decompress your spine without resorting to surgery.
What is Spinal Decompression?
Spinal decompression therapy is a safe and effective back surgery alternative. It is used to relieve back pain and other problems associated with spinal disc injuries. Nonsurgical spinal decompression is a method of motorized traction which is popular in the United States and other countries around the world.
What that means is basically, we’ll have you on a table and stretch and align your spine gently with the help of gravity. The decompression table will quickly become your best friend when you feel the benefits of using it. You will be safely strapped on and slowly moved to stretch your spine and release the pressure off any compressed disc.
The procedure we use is non-invasive unlike procedures such as spinal surgery and provides gentle decompression of the disc through the use of the decompression table. During the procedure, a distraction force is applied to the targeted area of your spine (the compressed disc). A computer controls the distraction force which is applied in between periods of relaxation. This gently elongates or stretches your spine, creating a small vacuum between the vertebrae which then helps pull the disc back into its proper position.
How Does Decompression Help Back and Neck Pain?
Spinal decompression can significantly relieve back or neck pain regardless of where in the spinal column the pain is, and provide relief to patients in as little as 30 days. When it is done properly, it can be used to change the force and the position of the spine, and also release any pressure in or on the disc. This provides a tremendous level of pain relief for patients.
Our spinal discs are gel-like cushions that are located between the bones of our spine. Decompressing the spine takes the pressure off the spinal discs. This spinal decompression method is commonly used to treat some conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, sciatica, bulging or herniated disc, lumbar spinal stenosis, worn spinal joints, injured spinal nerve roots, and degenerative disc disease.
The length of this treatment may depend on the individual’s specific needs. It depends on the amount of pain being experienced and the patient’s overall condition based on the findings on the X-ray. We’re happy to discuss your options with you after your initial consultation.
How Long Does Spinal Decompression Take?
Each treatment for spinal decompression therapy lasts approximately 30 minutes and the number of treatments needed falls between the range of 12-20 sessions over six to eight weeks. Some patients can feel results as soon as 30 days after starting treatment.
Benefits of Chiropractic Decompression
- Pain-free therapy
Spinal or chiropractic decompression is specially designed to provide effective pain relief in a non-invasive and pain-free way. There is no recovery time or medication required after you have completed this treatment.
Many people love this therapy because it is safe for all patients. There are no dangerous side effects as with spinal surgery. You will be strapped to a decompression table for the procedure and it will move with you on it.
- Long term results
Because decompression deals with the cause of your pain, the treatment results last longer than other options. Every pull will force nutrients to enter the discs, so they can be rehydrated. When this treatment is done regularly, it is proven to provide a longer-lasting result for all users. It is also safer than having spinal surgery. The Mayo clinic found that over 89.8% of patients responded positively with less pain post spinal decompression. The average pain was 6.4 out of 10 and .8 post decompression therapy. A four year follow up found that over 50% still had no pain.
- Improves your posture
Many people have pain issues on their vertebrae because they have poor posture. If you want to treat your back pain, your chiropractor can also help you to improve your posture.
Spinal decompression is one of the best strategies that can be used to improve your posture and remove nerve interference effectively. When it is combined with regular chiropractic care, you will experience a dramatic and fast improvement in your posture, which in turn will reduce your pain.
- Can be used to treat different conditions
This is another reason why spinal decompression can be a perfect option for you. It can be used to treat several types of illnesses, for example, facet syndrome, herniated or bulging discs, improper spinal cord, neck pain, back pain, and spinal stenosis. You should discuss your condition with your doctor before you begin spinal decompression therapy to treat any of your illnesses.
- Suitable for almost anyone
Decompressing the spine is safe and can be utilized by almost any patient regardless of gender or age. However, the treatment will vary from person to person based on existing and underlying health conditions. You must always consult your doctors so they can determine the right treatment options for you.
Get Relief From Chronic Pain
Family First Chiropractic uses state-of-the-art technology to relieve nerve compression by applying a decompressive force in addition to active therapy, manual therapy and specific chiropractic care. Our chiropractic health care doctors are ready and able to provide the relief you seek from your chronic back pain. Contact us to schedule an appointment to see if we can help you.
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