Get Chiropractic Adjustment at the First Sign of a Cold
A Chiropractic Adjustment Can Help
We at Family First Chiropractic feel that perhaps the most important time for you to seek a chiropractic adjustment is at the first sign of a cold.
As far back as 1994, the Chiropractic Research Journal reported on a study that found specific upper neck Chiropractic spinal adjustments increased the CD4 immune cell counts in HIV patients.
The researchers found that the CD4 cells (also known as “helper T-cells”) kept the virus at bay; those with high levels of CD4 cells had low amounts of HIV and those with low levels of CD4 cells had high amounts of HIV. The research was done at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Chiropractic Adjustment Provides a Boost to Your Immune System
What this means for a person fighting a cold, is that a chiropractic adjustment may very well provide a boost to your immune system. We have had hundreds of people share with us over the years stories of how they felt they were starting to get sick, then got adjusted, and then seemed to fight off the cold.
Finally, we are not so concerned about your germs. Germs are only one small, but glamorized, part of you getting sick. The fact is your body’s internal health and defense system has far more to do with your health than what bugs or germs you touch or breath in. Our team takes extra care to ensure that we are taking care of our body’s so that our immune system is capable of fighting off most germs we may come in contact with.
And of course, we all get adjusted regularly. Come see the doctors at Family First Chiropractic in Dripping Springs, Texas for that chiropractic adjustment today. Make an appointment.